viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

302-VA-Heat Is On 2002

VA-Heat Is On 2002

Audio Cd
New Age

1. Mystica 秘密
2. Carmen Rouge 卡門口紅
3. Through Your Eyes 情人眼中
4. Longing for Ardour 天慾
5. Stone Cottage 石屋
6. Time on Earth 沙河之歌
7. It might as well as Spring 就像是春天
8. Overture˙Seashore of Motherland 序曲‧記憶中的海岸
9. Angel Voices 天使之聲
10. Nostalgia 思鄉選自
11. At the Wooden Bridge 木橋上
12. Debi llorar 我應該哭的
13. Mountain Mist 山林迷霧
14. Autumn Leave 秋葉
15. Fields of Home 家園
16. As my Heart Desires 心靈渴望

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