martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Relax Oriental 1

Relax Oriental 1

Audio Cd
New Age

01 Kitaro - Relaxation - Sounds of Nature - A Tropical Rain Forest
02 Osho - Meditation - Oriental Music Relax
03 RELAX - Asian Folk Music of Japan - Oriental -Japanese Bamboo Flute
04 Relax - Japanese Traditional Music Koto & Shakuhachi
05 Relax - Massage Music - Meditation (Tai Chi) - Oliver Shanti
06 RELAX - Musica De Relajacion - Oriental Music - Tai Chi Music
07 RELAX (Oriental Music) - Japanese - Kitaro - Moondance
08 Relaxing - New Age - Kitaro - Ocean Of Wishdom
09 TIGRE Y DRAGON - Yearning of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
10 Tai Chi - Sounds Of Nature - The Ultimate In Relaxation And Meditation
11 TIGRE Y DRAGON - BSO A Wedding Interrupted
12 TIGRE Y DRAGON - BSO Farewell
13 Yoyo Ma - Silk Road - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

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